It's Not About Religion . . . It's About Relationships!
Building Authentic Relationship with God, Ourselves and Our Neighbors for 47 Years.
Decency Demands Dignity
We Are One in Spirit as a Rainbow of God’s People
Black and brown, red and yellow, tan and olive, peach and white;
We are the image of God and God’s true delight.
Cis or Non; Straight, Gay or Trans; Bi, Questioning or Queer;
as One People we do stand, unmoved by ignorance and fear.
Indigenous, of the First Nations, multi-generational by choice or slavery tears,
Refugee, immigrant, alien, however our families appeared;
A Melting Pot forms this Great Nation, united in Promise and not despair;
For “We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident,” our independence we do declare.
All PEOPLE are created equal, oppression and tyranny cast away;
Rights inalienable, endowed by our Creator, we declare upon this day;
Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness; Divine providence God does imbue;
Pledging our Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor - Freedom and Independence we do pursue.
Moreover, WE THE PEOPLE, in Our Constitution do demand:
A more perfect Union for all peoples in the running of this vast and sacred land.
For Justice, Tranquility, the general Welfare; are the Blessings of Liberty the founders wrote.
Our common defense is in our UNITY, the Worthiness of ALL, the LOVE we promote.