It's Not About Religion . . . It's About Relationships!
Building Authentic Relationship with God, Ourselves and Our Neighbors for 47 Years.
You might wonder why I’m writing you today. Have you ever felt like you needed to earn God’s love through your actions? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us have been taught that our worth is tied to our productivity and good deeds. But today, I want to share a liberating truth with you: God’s love and grace are freely given, and our worth isn’t based on what we do.
In our recent sermon at St. John’s MCC, we kicked off a new series on “Breaking from Bad Theology.” We explored the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42, where Jesus reminds us to prioritize our relationship with Him over our endless to-do lists. This message is not just a biblical lesson; it’s a call to transform how we live our daily lives.
The Main Point: God’s Love is Unconditional
The main point of the sermon is clear: Good behavior does not win God’s affection. Our worth in God’s eyes isn’t based on our actions but on God’s unconditional love and grace. This is a radical idea, even today, but it’s a truth that can set us free from the endless cycle of trying to earn God’s favor.
Why This Matters to You
You might be wondering, “What’s in it for me?” Understanding this truth can transform your life. Imagine the peace and freedom that comes from knowing you don’t have to earn God’s love. You are already loved, valued, and cherished just as you are. This realization can help you break free from the pressure to constantly do more and be more.
Practical Steps to Embrace This Truth
1. Embrace the Sit Still Challenge: Commit to daily quiet time. Start with just a few minutes of stillness to focus on listening to God’s voice over the noise and busyness of life. This can be a game-changer in how you connect with God.
2. Evaluate Your Priorities: Reflect on how you spend your time each day. Does it align with what truly matters, including time with God, family, and self-care? Make adjustments as needed to ensure you’re prioritizing your spiritual growth.
3. Seek Support: Share your struggles with busyness and setting aside time for God with someone you trust. Hold each other accountable in making the necessary changes. Community support can make a huge difference.
4. Regular Self-Reflection: Schedule time for personal reflection, perhaps at the end of the day or week. Assess where your time and energy went and where it should go to foster spiritual growth.
Conclusion: Take the Next Step
The point is, Jesus wants your whole heart. What will you do this week to give it to Him? I challenge you to take the Sit Still Challenge and commit to five minutes a day of quiet time with God. Imagine the transformation in your life and our community if we all committed to breaking from bad theology and embracing God’s unconditional love.
Without taking this step, you’ll miss out on the peace and freedom that Jesus wants for you. So, will you join me in this journey? Let’s support each other and see what a difference it makes.
Dear God, thank you for your unconditional love and grace. Help us to break free from the pressure to earn your favor and to embrace the truth that we are already loved and valued. Guide us as we commit to spending time with you each day, and help us to prioritize our relationship with you above all else. Amen.
By focusing on these practical steps and embracing the truth of God’s unconditional love, you can experience a deeper sense of peace and purpose in your life. Let’s take this journey together and see the incredible transformation that awaits.